Running shoes?



18 Oct 2002

I am trying to get back into running but the trainers I used to wear give me terrible blistering on the insides of my feet now. Can anyone reccommend any good brands of shoe that will prevent blistering? I also have quite wide feet with quite a flat arch/ bridge whatever you want to call it.

branddaly said:
I'd recommend going to a running shop and getting them to do a gait analysis. They'll then be able to suggest shoes that match your running style and foot shape.
Sounds expensive! Thanks though- I'll look into it!
branddaly said:
You're not still wearing the same pair are you? Worn out trainers will screw up your feet aswell.
I've tried to... they're not really worn out though.
Ok thanks guys I went to Running Bath (in Bath) today and the guy there spent the best part of an hour anaylsing my foot strike on this sensor, fitting me with some suitable shoes, and then watching me jog up and down the arcade, trousers rolled to midway up the shin, to see which ones suited me best. (Much to the amusement of other shoppers!)

In the end I got a pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 6 for £75- well worth it for the level of personal service, and they just feel so much better than the ones I was using before too!
Ok going for my first run in them later- here's hoping the weather holds out!! The guy in the shop said they're good for about 500 miles... Will they last longer than this? as I can't see it taking me too long to clock that up!! Seems very low to me
Pfft only girls don't run in the rain! I'll go again tomorrow come rain or shine :)

Actually the most annoying weather to run in is wind.... It makes it feel like you're not moving. Does anyone else get this or am I just weird?
ok just been again and I don't think i even made it 2 miles before my feet really started to ache down the sides! (especially the inside) The aching was so bad I had to stop running. I used to get this with roller blades/ ice skates when I was a kid but I've never experienced it from trainers!

Any ideas as to what's causing this?

IceBus said:
How much room have you got in the shoe at the front when you're standing up? You should have a thumbs width iirc as your feet will expand when running.
Nope the length is good, I've got plenty of room inside (fnar) :D

Do you think its an issue with the width of the shoe? I was thinking about just wearing them round the house and stuff tomorrow to see if it helps?
IceBus said:
I'm not an expert by any means, and if you're having pain the best bet might be to ring up the shop/go back and ask them.

Without meaning to be asking a silly question, are you lacing them up very tight?
At first they were quite tight but I thought that might be the cause of the problem (putting pressure on the sides of my feet). I might go again today and see what happens when they're not quite so tight,
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