Running With Rifles

23 May 2009
Just seen this and haven't seen it posted here before!!!

But this looks fantastic, its kinda like GTA 1, meets Battlefield, cross with Cannon Fodder, with campaign, co op, and multiplayer!
(the 1st video they tested 64 players on multiplayer i can see this being mental fun)

There's a demo on the steam, but its a year old so a lot has changed since more info on the steam page:

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"It's like meets this clashed with this, and a bit of that thrown in to make it look like them!"...

You mean it's original?

Forgive me, not had my 'morning' coffee, night shifts are killing me and I'm grumpy :(
I meant its a combination of, a few games mixed together...m8 drink more coffee, or goto sleep then when your awake, try
I'm awake, looks awesome :D Would like to give it a shot but the reality is I simply don't have time :(

Any reviews out there?
I've updated the steam link check there for people's reviews, it seems to be getting overwhelmingly positive reviews by people that have bought the game!!
I have this and it can be good fun but if you go in expecting GTA crossed with Cannon Fodder you will be disappointed!

It is very tactical and requires slow advancing and lots of dying. You will often feel that you are making very little difference to the outcome of things and normally that is because you are not....

Works very well on multiplayer with a decent number of real players, it is very stable and well thought out, the graphics are great for the type of game it is and it runs beautifully, just don't expect it to be something it is not!
Ah! was about to open a new thread about RUNNING WITH RIFLES, looks like someone was quicker :)
I had this game as a recommendation on Steam since a while but never bothered to check it out as it looked like a kid game. I finally did and I'm totally hooked and have already dozens of hours into it, mainly online. Even more fun when you play with friends, such hilarious situations happening, good laughs :)
Highly recommending to give at least the demo a shot!
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