Running XP On A MacBook

4 Aug 2004

I am probably about to buy a MacBook and am looking for some further information on running XP, ideally using parallels.

Do I need to buy a retail version of XP? Do you need to set up firewalls and virus software in the same way you would on a PC?
BillytheImpaler said:
I understand you. What I meant is that one cannot take the install disk and license number from an OEM machine one might have already. If I bought a Dell or some other beige box retail machine in 2002 and got an XP license with it then decided to put Linux on that machine there is a vacant XP license. However, I would not be able to use that for Parallels/Boot Camp because it is against the rules.

So am I alowed to buy an OEM copy for this purpose?

Thnaks for the help.
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