Russell Brand Singing..

28 Oct 2002
Returning some videotapes
Did anyone else listen to part 2 of the Sgt Peppers cover project? In this episode The Stereophonics, Oasis and the Kaiser chiefs cover tracks amoungst others, but the real kicker is Russell Brand, my god its incredibly cringeworthy you have to listen to it on the programe itself here, skip on to around 13:20.

edit/ actually you can hear it without skipping here.
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wedgie said:
Yeah it's bad.

It's on his R2 podcast as well, he basically rips the **** out of it himself for most of the show.

Correction - they all rip the **** out of him :p , Its really uncomfortable listening (his singing) its that bad.
Jihad said:
Haha it is hilarious on the podcast, can't believe it's actually him. :p

I know - cant believe he actually allowed this to be released - Noel Gallagher ****** himself at the end of the podcast!
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