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RX 6800 Dual Monitor Setup Crashing

10 Nov 2020
Derby, UK
Hi guys, wanted some advice... perhaps it is a driver issue, but, when I use two monitors to game on one and watch a twitch stream on another, it crashes randomly (I can go maybe 2-4 hours before it crashes, sometimes it crashes within 15 mins). All temperatures are fine and I get no crashing on a single monitor. I read that this could be a power issue, but I have a 750W PSU which should be more than enough juice. Only other thing I can think of is my RAM? It is on the XMP profile for 3600Mhz, but it is rated for this speed on CL16. Maybe I need to tweak RAM voltage? Help please.

My pc specs are:
Mag B550 Tomahawk
Ryzen 3600XT (soon to be 5800x)
16GB CL16 3600Mhz (XMP)
750W PSU
RX 6800
10 Nov 2020
Derby, UK
What's the PSU model #? I'd say keep everything stock for now and test that way, see if any issue arises. After that try and raise minimum frequency in AMD control panel -> performance -> tuning and see if it helps.
It's a Corsair 750W 80+ Gold rated, got a feeling it's my RAM in the XMP mode.
10 Nov 2020
Derby, UK
UPDATE: It turns out it is the system memory. My 3600 MHz XMP profile wasn't stable. I fixed this by using Thaiphoon and Ryzen DRAM Calculator to input more stable timings/settings for my RAM in the bios. Everything is working fine now. Thanks for the replies. This is my 1st venture outside of Intel, I now understand why some people said Ryzen can be a bit finicky. Gotta play around with settings rather than just plugging in and play.
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