RX-V573 not sending picture/sound

15 Sep 2005
I've had a Yamaha RX-V573 for some time and until a couple of days ago its been working fine. However, its suddenly stopped sending anything to the speakers or TV most of the time. After a bit of checking cables etc I seem to have got (for now) the TiVo working through it but BluRay player and NowTV box don't work - interesting the NowTv will send video when the AVR is in standby mode but as soon as its turned on the TV says its getting no signal (and even the AVR's menus don't appear when I press the setup button etc on the remote)

Any ideas whether there's any thing to try to fix this ... or is it just a case of its reached the end of its useful life and I need to look into a replacement!
After more googling I found the system reset process and after retiurning everything to factory settings it seems to be working again .... just need to remember how I did all the setup now!
well ... the fix only lasted a day - TiVo (on HDMIin1) is no longer showing (it was immediately after the system reset) but this time the NowTV and BluRay player (HDMIin2 and 4) are both still working through the receiver. So interim fix is Tivo connected direct to TV sending audio back to receiver via optical output while I think of what else to try.

I remember there always was some issue with TiVo's connecting to Yamaha receivers where the receiver sends an enquiry over HDMI to the TiVo on what outputs it supports but the TiVo ignores this causing the receiver to switch audio away from the TiVo (but this left the picture still ok) so I've had a raspberry pi contolling a box on the HDMI that waits for the "do you output audio" question and inserts a "yes I do" reponse ... while checking things I discovered that the sdram card on this has failed so I've swapped this out of the system - not sure if setting it up again on a new sdcard would make any difference but its probably someting to try.
Progress ... swapped the AVR to TV HDMI cable for the one I'd used for the temporary TiVo to TV I'dbeen using (something I'd been meaning to try) and things seem to be working better -TiVo signal immedaitely came through! So, will probably invest in a new set of HDMI cables!
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