Ryan Adams UK Tour dates!

5 Jun 2005
I know there are a few fans out there, and he does not get much press here, although there is quite a cult following.... just found these dates, but can't seem to buy the tickets yet... let me know if you find anywhere

Sep 21 Newcastle UK Newcastle Academy
Sep 22 Glasgow UK Glasgow Academy
Sep 24 Nottingham UK Rock City
Sep 25 Birmingham UK Birmingham Academy
Sep 27 Cambridge UK Corn Exchange
Sep 28 Manchester UK Manchester Academy 1
Sep 30 London UK Shepherds Bush Empire

Carzy said:
I'm sooooo at the Nottingham date.

i'm gonna do brummy & london, may even hope over to Europe and have a little hoilday too, there was me thinking i was gonna have to go over to America........ NO JOKE!!

dude if you hey anything ticket wise post here, i will do the same, Ryan Adams tickets have gone in seconds before, then your talking £100 on ebay
got tickets for

Sep 27 Cambridge UK Corn Exchange

Sep 30 London UK Shepherds Bush Empire

Oct 1st London Uk Sheperds Bush Empire

:D :D :D :D
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Cruiser said:
got tickets for Oct 21st in belfast :D

well chuffed. is he known to play Whiskeytown songs?

good news on the tickets mate,

from what i have heard he just plays the stuff off the last two albums cold roses and Jacksonvile, with a few oldies chucked in, but that's in America, he may change that for Europe
j00ni said:
Last gig he only played 2 songs from any of his pre-Cold Roses stuff (Desire, When The Stars and English Girls Approx.) - though that was a very subdued set, and I reckon this time there will be more of the upbeat earlier stuff. Though I don't think he plays any Whiskeytown at any gigs :( (*wishes for Under Your Breath)

was that the london gig in feb mate?
i will find out later...

i'm seeing him at Camebridge tomorrow, London on Sat and Holland on Tuesday next week.... wooooo

Saw him at the end of the road fest last Sunday, he was amazing! managed to find a bootleg of that also! - it's sooooooooo good!
Well it was going so well, drove up from Southampton to Richmond and got the tube in on Friday night, found some scummy lodgings which consisted off a single bed and mattress on the floor for my buddy Seb. We haggled and got a good deal though.

Embrace rocked and so did the Metro club in Soho, Saturday was a slow starter spending the day in Camden. At 7:30 we got dressed up for the Ryan Adams gig, then it jumped up and slapped us in the face… we had lost the tickets! Where we did not know, but one thing for sure was they were not in the motel room or on us!

We hit a new low, the bubble had burst! I just wanted to go home… not to be defeated I soon bounced back and new there had to be a way into the venue.

We rocked up late around 8:30, a tout said I could have 2 tickets for £120!! – I turned him down and sweet talked my way into the box office area, helping the security lady pick up a bag of spilt tickets I earned her friendship and brought us a little time to come up with a plan. I tried a quick bribe but she was not taking any of that.

As people came into the venue to collect there guest passes I asked about spare tickets, one guy happened to have a spare seating ticket which he let me have for £20, and then this guy came in who was on the guest list, I saw him on his own and asked if I could be his ‘plus one’ he happily replied and refused any cash for the ticket! Amazing man! All we had to do not was talk the manager into swapping the seating ticket for a standing, we told him the hard luck story – he said fair enough and gave us another guest list pass. We rocked into the venue and had a drink with the guy that gave us the first guest ticket, he knew Ryan and shared a handful of tales with us. After that it was time to fight to the front, made it there in the end, and got a set list for our troubles

A really great show, loved Magnolia Mountain and swan song finish, decided to hang out by the stage door and met Neil, we shared a joke or two with him as for some reason he was carrying a pot of honey, Ryan soon came out with a girl on his arm, he totally blanked us in true rock n roll style, - never mind we still love him!

Nice to meet some of you RAA members! I got spotted by Quincy and some other dude who’s forum name ended in 4000 or something… sorry I had a few drinks!



Cruiser said:
well just in case anyone wanted to know :p
seen ryan adams and the cardinals on the 21st oct in belfast.

got there maybe an hour after the doors opened and the place was pretty dead but by the time RA came on the place was totally packed. support was from neal casal. i'd never heard him before, not really my thing but there were a few nice songs played in his acoustic set.

a lot of good tracks were played and some of them with different arragements and extended solos and noise blasts :)
ryan threw his guitar to one side after he couldn't get it tuned, and he had a few arguments.
the audience was great, huge applause for every song. the place was an oven.

must have been a two hour set cause my legs were killing me after.

super show!

yeah i read the review, i heard the crowd were quite 'chirpy' Neal Casal is the guitarist in the Cardinals, so i guess he has had a long tour! doing support and then playing!

here is the set list...

Belfast 10-21-06 Setlist

Tears of Gold
Magnolia Mountian
EZ Plateau(2)
sometimes Peaceful Valley
Cold Roses
Let It Ride(5)
NY NY Velvet Underground Blues
Please Don't Let Me Go
What Sin
Beautiful Sorta
The End


One Kiss Before I Go
To Be Young
Dear Chicago
Dear John (full band no piano)
Judy Garland
Mockingbird Song
Goodnight Rose>
Arkham Asylum
Trouble On Wheels
Freeway To the Canyon
Blue Hotel
Icy Monsters
Cruiser said:
thanks for that CF
where did you read the review, link?

i'm looking for a recording of the show too. any ideas where i should go (email me if you like)

no worries mate,


great web site with loads of live show to download (LEGAL) his live stuff is *FREE* to download and share, a chap from the forums went to every show on the tour, if it's not there then post on the forums i'm pretty sure it exists, i have downloaded the 5 shows i saw this year, brings back great mems!
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