Ryzen 1200 with 3600 8-Pack memory

19 Aug 2016

Possibly a stupid question, not sure.

I have bought an X570 Tomahawk and the following RAM:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £137.69 (includes shipping: £8.70)​

I'm hoping to get either a Zen 3, or a Zen 2 if prices get too low to resist.

In the meantime, I have a Ryzen 3 1200 CPU that I plan to use to install check all the other components.

Am I right in saying that I can just use that memory at the standard speed with that CPU, and then use XMP or manual timings once I have the new CPU in place?

Cheers :)
However the X570 Tomahawk only supports Ryzen 2000 series and above (I've just checked the box of mine) so a Ryzen 1200 may not work in it.
You may have to manually down clock the ram to something like 3000~3200 as 3600 might be a bit to fast for the old memory controller on the 1200 but that would only be a temporary measure till you replace it with something newer.
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