Ryzen 5600x - PBO Limits question?

13 Oct 2007
I know the standard PBO limits for this CPU are

PPT: 76W
TDC: 60A
EDC: 90A

I'm running on a MSI X470 Gaming Plus Max and I'm lucky in that my CPU can do -30 on the undervolt curve for all cores as well as +200Mhz on the boost override overclock

When I set this -30 curve in the bios with PBO Limits set to “auto” then it defaults to
PPT: 1000w
TDC: 114A
EDC: 180A

When I set this -30 curve in the bios with PBO Limits set to “motherboard” then it also defaults to
PPT: 1000w
TDC: 114A
EDC: 180A

When I set this -30 curve in the bios with PBO Limits set to “disabled” then it defaults to
PPT: 76w
TDC: 60A
EDC: 90A

When the PPT is 1000w I get some decent overclocking and temps hold steady at 82 degrees running prime. My AIO fans go like the clappers though. My question is that knowing I can do -30 undervolt on the curve and +200 on the boost override, should I be manually settting PPT to control "the ceiling" on just how far the CPU pushes itself under load? Just wanting to check if I'm thinking about this the right way.
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