Ryzen High Temp advice

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
Can anyone offer any advice

My spec is in my sig. Previous to this it had a Ryzen 1600X

On the stock cooler the 1600X was idling at 70C so I purchased an Arctic 34 esports cooler. I also managed to pick up a cheapish 2700X.

Ive installed the cooler and the 2700X using the supplied thermal paste. This is idling at 60C. Im using coretemp to monitor the temps.

Is it normal for ryzens to idle so warm? Ill probably reseat the artctic cooler and ive ordered some AS5 to use instead of the supplied stuff. How tight am I meant to do the nuts on the cooler, there is a bit more turning in them but I don't want to overdo it and break something.

The only thing I can think of trying in the meantime is the stock cooler that came with the 2700X as it just clips on with no tightening required
If the bolts on the cooler are spring loaded, just keep tightening them until they start 'clicking'. Out of interest, is your CPU definitely clocking down when it's idle? For comparison, mine idles at around 40c with a 240mm AIO but both fans are only running at 800rpm.
It's not spring loaded you just have to tight the nuts on the bolts.

I disabled a setting in the bios either core boost or performance per core cant remember the name of it and it knocked 18 degrees off taking it down to around 42 idle.

Is there a setting in the bios to make sure it clicks down when idle similar to speed step with Intel.

Stock volts its giving it is 1.4v. Everything is at stock apart from the ram I've enabled the docp profile for that

I may try a bios reset see if that sorts it
Idling at 70c/60c seems extremely high.

i would definitely check your thermal paste and reseat the heatsink. Dab the thermal paste as 2 lines in a cross formation across the top of the cpu then make sure the heatsink is bolted down nice and tight.

The feature for AMD to dial down CPU is call AMD cool n quiet. It is usually found in CPU features. You enable it and there are a few P state options P0-P2 with progressively more aggressive dial down. Some motherboards even let you modify settings for P state. My MSI doesn’t so it is all managed by the CPu
Thanks. I reset the bios no change.

I have reseated the cooler and tightened it fully now - ill do it again when the AS5 arrives

Ive disabled CBD ? in the bios. So it downclocks when idle and jumps to 3.7 when in use.

Temps now in the 40 - 44C range idle. Which is better.

Would a new motherboard help matters at all?
Idle around 40 is normal.

what is CBD? Before you jump to buy another motherboard try to figure why CPU was running so hot in the first instance.

run your CPU at stock and I think you meant the Precision Boost Overclock feature. You can definitely enable that. If that makes your CPU run hot then the motherboard can be over juicing the CPU. 1.4V stock volts seems high also. I thought the stock is meant to be 1.3V

anyway, for those zen+ CPUs you can achieve the same thing with manual overclock all cores. That way you have better control of volts and therefore thermal. Have a read in the overclock section of the forum or do a quick google for it.

as I said before you need to enable the AMD cool n quiet and Pstate for the CPU to drop down. Although if you are running stock that should have been the case.
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As a comparison, my Ryzen 3600X is currently idling at 33C
Are you able to try a different cooler and see what results you get?
Run HWinfo and take a pic showing clocks, voltages and temps and post it up so maybe we can figure out what's happening.
Check which powerplan you've got set, firstly think it's maybe ryzen balanced, or further to that check advanced settings and check minimum processor state, make sure it's not 100%, think I had to set mine down to about 20% on mor than one occassion
So ive installed ryzen master and selected one of the preset profiles and set CPU volts to 1.2v and immediatly saw a huge drop in temps but after reboot its back to normal and 1.4v.

So it looks like my board is over juicing my CPU at stock settings. Ive tried reducing it but i have to use offset mode as i cant manually enter a figure. Changing the figure using this method results in the system failing to post.
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