Ryzen - Mixing RAM sizes

14 Nov 2012
Close to Swindon, but not Swindon
I currently have 2x8gb 3200 Corsair Vengeance RGB and was looking add an additional 32gb at the same speed. I would therefor have 48GB (2x16gb & 2x8gb).

Has anyone tried or are currently running with mismatched sizes?
Do you forsee any issues?
Should be fine just make sure you install as so 8/16/8/16 else some will run in asynchronous mode/flex mode.

The only issue you might have is the memory controller not liking 4 dimms but this won't be down to mixed sizes.
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As far as I'm aware it will just default all to single channel.
This is incorrect. Even if you say run 2 dimms with 1 being 8gb and the other being 16gb then the 8gb dimm and 8gb from the 16gb dimm will run in dual channel while the remaining 8gb from the 16gb dimm will run single channel.

With a 4 dimm configuration like the op has so long as he populates A2 B2 with the 8gb dimms and A1 B1 with the 16gb dimms then it should all run in dual channel. If he mixes the dimms with A2 8gb B2 16gb and A1 8gb B1 16gb then only 32gb would run dual channel with 16gb in single channel.
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