S20 fe timer and focus issue

1 Feb 2021
Not sure if what's happening is normal, it's a new phone!

When I use the timer the camera doesn't readjust the focus while it's counting down. It stays focused on whatever the camera was focusing on before timer started! I want to be starting the timer and putting myself in front of the camera but because it wasn't focusing on me first, it ends up blurry! Is this normal?
Tbh with what I use my phone for it was one of the first things I tried so the problem was one I noticed straight away. I've tried everything and have just this second reset the camera settings. I've found a 3rd party app that works but unfortunately doesn't use the cameras full capabilities with megapixels. I even contacted Samsung and they put me on a site to have it repaired!! I've only had it about 2wks and guard the phone with my life lol
Whaaaaat Samsung are telling me its a hardware problem and need to have the phone sent off to be fixed lol I think its more because of an update or something. I've reset settings, cleared the partition cache. Only thing I haven't done is factory reset but I'm not going to do that because its pretty much in its original state.
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