S3 i9300 constantly restarting



8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Got an issue with my phone at the moment.

has been happening for the past few weeks but has become far worse the past few days.
since turning on today it has restarted 7+ times.

phone is constantly freezing and needs to be restsarted
phone randomly restarts throughout the day
last few nights on charge the phone has frozen or turned off.
the phone needs to be restarted multiple times sometimes as it cannot proceed past initial lock screen.

I have tried the following:
Flashed back to stock rom & unrooted the device
swapped battery to a new one
removed 32gb sd card

any ideas before I start thinking about sending it back?
the rom i have is:


Going to back up now and give factory reset a go.
If it still has the issue and you got it as an upgrade from a network take it into a high street store and discuss options with them otherwise be prepared for the worst customer service experience you are ever likely to encounter.

I am aware of this sadly. Ace Modder sits next to me at work and his S2 died last year. they did the same story on him. 'water damage' etc. I will claim for failure on my phone insurance if it comes down to it. that's what its there for right?

Just remembered all the horror stories with Samsung's service :p :o So don't send it of to Samsung!

If the factory reset doesn't fix the problem, do what mancubus said instead.

I got it via phones 4u on vodafone [who are terrible]

so should i take it to a voda or a p4u shop?
anyone able to explain to me what causes the sudden death issue. trying to read up on it but info seems to conflict.

just so i know what i am looking out for?
just done a factory reset. restoring data now.

excellent nexus

thanks for your help guys, much appreciated.
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