Sad day ...Amiga 600 deemed BER :(

10 Dec 2004
So my Amiga has been away at Amiga Passion trying to work out what is up with it after it developed a grey screen and non boot issue. I got news today it's officially dead and beyond economical repair :(.

Absolutely gutted....

Guess it's time to start hunting again! Wife has been her usual amazing self and said she will get me a new one for my birthday, which is brilliant and a real silver lining at least :)

Shame it all comes at a time where Amiga prices are on the up l, especially the 600 due to the release of the Vampyr accelerator for it at last.
Sent it away to a guy at Amiga Passion. The caps were done, ram chips and it still wouldn't play ball so would from that point be pure hours of investigative scope which would put the cost of repairing up over the cost of picking up a 2nd hand replacement system or main board

I meant "new" as in she offered to get me a replacement 2nd hand one. used the incorrect term, sorry
☹️ I'm in the process of collecting parts to recap mine, then it's due a spot of retrobrite.

Is Vampyr really pushing the prices up.. it's so expensive!
Retrobrited my case just before it went pop....typical. makes such a difference though

Yeah the prices of 600s been creeping over last few months. I am still keeping a beady eye on them
What did you retrobrite it with? I've done an Acorn Electron before using BBlonde cream - worked well; but always after more advice.
What did you retrobrite it with? I've done an Acorn Electron before using BBlonde cream - worked well; but always after more advice.
When I did the Amiga 500+ and other bits, I used 12% Hydrogen Peroxide mixed about 50:50 with water. Pour it into a tub large enough to hold whatever you want to brighten, cover the top with clingfilm so its reasonably airtight and leave out in the sun on a bright day for a day. 8bit guy on YouTube did some videos and it came out far better than brushing on things as they tended to give very uneven results.

More in my thread here - :)
It was a 40% peroxide stuff from Amazon. Cost me about £6 I think it was

Smothered it in it and then wrapped in cling film and left outside for whole days when we had the heat wave last year.....job jobbed

Will look in the cupboard and find the exactly brand etc :)

Dukes rebuild was beautiful!!!

As an update I have potentially sourced an A500 as replacement :)
I'd seen that video but wasn't sure how well it'd work in the UK sun!
The Acorn Electron I did came out nice and even but the 600 has more keys and the vents would be fiddly.
Is peroxide easy enough to get hold of then?

I think I'll have to start a thread about my adventures in Amiga land, I've just ordered the required caps to recap my 600
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