Sage Tea Maker + Spec Tea Site

17 Oct 2010
Hey guys,

Looking to change from drinking soft drinks to tea, hoping this will be healthier and that i will feel better.

Been looking at this tea maker "Sage by Heston Blumenthal the Tea Maker" wondering if any of you guys would recommend it or is it all hype?

I know you could make tea manually, but im pretty lazy a tea maker would mean the difference between success and failure in changing to tea.

Also can you spec me a good tea site, so far seen teapigs that looks good, new to this so need advice on good site, thinking peppermint, green and earl gray, any other recommendations?

Ps. If this is to replace soft drinks and to be consumed in the same quantities is there any down side to drinking a lot of tea? (2-4 litres a day?)
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Thanks for the replies guys..i have bought some tea, peppermint that i know i like and about 20 diff types in a sample kit.

Still not sure about the tea maker, iam really impatient and having this one touch thing sounds good to me, rather than boiling, waiting for correct temp, waiting for infusion for a few mins, all clock watching, don't really want to spend 10 mins of every hour in the kitchen etc, thinking this gadget might solve that.
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