Saints Row 2

6 Apr 2009
Near Manchester
This any good? I see it has co-op mode and is only two fitty at the mo in steam sale. Might buy 2 copies and gift one to a friend. Ta
I have had SR2 for ages now, its a terrible port which is a shame really :(, where i do get half decent frame rates, it crashes and restarts machine at the same place everytime just outside prison, so played a bout 5 minutes so far lol
a couple of the patches helped a bit and removed the frame limiter but still not a completely lag free.I personally love SR2 as it felt like playing vice city all over again,its just so much fun killing people and driving around in cars mowing down old ladie which some of the newer gtas have lost their touch
I never had any issues running this game. No lag or frame rate problems. Its such a fun game, it has a great soundtrack too. The resolution is fixed by an update (I think) but I played using a resolution hack thingy I found on the web
16:9 resolutions are now supported but it still won't do 1366*768 that my tv supports, had to make do with 1280*720 and still the performance isn't great, but playable for me.

The story is lacking in comparison to GTAIV imo but still great fun. I don't think they can be compared directly.
Awful game. The car handling is horrid and the gameplay is boring to - I thought it had a nice story behind it but it's not well executed at all.

Ta guys, I didn't get it.

I re-bought borderlands instead because my copy has been at my mates for ages and I keep forgetting to get it back plus now I don't have to put the disc in the drive to play and it will keep my saves safe.

And I got all the DLC at a bargainous price, I haven't played any of it yet :)
I really enjoyed Saints row 2. Not a great story, but enough to get you interested. I found it more fun than GTA4, and my old Q6600 and GTX280 could run it maxed out fine with virtually no drops in fps at all. Borderlands is great fun if you've got mates to play it with. All mine stopped playing it and it hasn't been touched since, boring as hell without friends
Sadly the PC port was done awfully. That said as a coop experience if you can grab a friend its absolutely fantastic - one of best recent coop experiences.
The inevitable comparisons to GTA 4 are valid but it approaches the sandbox city game from a totally different angle. The characters are great and it just doesn't take itself too seriously ever.

Grab a friend and its definitely worth a punt.
Might want to have a look at this thread I started a while back. Quite a few strong opinions on this game.

Personally, I still really enjoy it and had great fun playing through the singleplayer missions with a friend in co-op. However, we both had overclocked quad core CPUs, people with dual cores don't seem to have a good experience with this game.

For the price it was on steam for yesterday - it was an absolute steal.

Apparently the devs found the source code and improvements are coming. Tho, its just 2 devs in their spare time working on it but still. Hopefully it might actually be playable without bad fps issues or speed up bugs etc.

Sry for necro thread but wanted to find a existing sr2 thread but this is the one i found and its old so..
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