I have a Saitek X52 flight stick and have given it a trial spin with BF4. It seems like the most important functions including the game recognising the throttle correctly as an axis input is all in working order. Important to state I think as everywhere else I am reading on the internet is telling me that this isn't the case.
However, the game seems to recognise many of the other buttons in quite a retarded manner. The trigger button is reognised as PAD UP etc. Also, some buttons aren't recognised at all. The wheel button on the thruster stick for example, is not read by the game at all which is a pity, as this is the button most suitable for using as the afterburner function.
It is looking like I am going to have to go checking out 3rd party programs in order to get my flight stick configured how I want it. I have a registered copy of Pinnacle and there is obviously the 'Smart Technology' program that came bundled with the joystick which quite frankly, was far too buggy for its use to even be considered.
I am wondering if any of you have the same or similar joystick that you are using in BF4 and if so, how are you setting it up?
However, the game seems to recognise many of the other buttons in quite a retarded manner. The trigger button is reognised as PAD UP etc. Also, some buttons aren't recognised at all. The wheel button on the thruster stick for example, is not read by the game at all which is a pity, as this is the button most suitable for using as the afterburner function.
It is looking like I am going to have to go checking out 3rd party programs in order to get my flight stick configured how I want it. I have a registered copy of Pinnacle and there is obviously the 'Smart Technology' program that came bundled with the joystick which quite frankly, was far too buggy for its use to even be considered.
I am wondering if any of you have the same or similar joystick that you are using in BF4 and if so, how are you setting it up?