Salad Fingers - Who and In What mind?!

26 Dec 2004
hi guys.

someone explain wtf salad fingers is and who came up with the idea of it.

i know what it is...but whats it a take on? and who is sick enough to think it all up?

Weird, but awesome xD!

Always cracks me up, and makes a change to the rest of the animations that often always seem all to simlar to me!
Watch "Spoilsbury toast boy", episode 3 then 2 then 1. It goes backwards y'see. Also watch the valentines one and the ones with "Paper" in their names (Can't remember their exact names, just "Paper"). He also does funny stuff. Check out Burnt Face Man.
Zefan said:
Check out Burnt Face Man.
Just re-watched 6, it's hilarious. The Spoilsbury toast boy is sick, how could anyone create that without beggining to froth at the mouth is beyond me.
The Milkman one is a good one-off cartoon he's done although it is a little weird...
lol i love em. its funny and wierld i can do really gd impressions as well :rolleyes:

from the same website has anyone seen the devvo series? thats the real ****** up one.
i would hate to live in the roughest area of hull :p
I watched one, it went on a bit long and it was strange :/

Anyone seen the Evil Strawberry or the mad cow? haha cracks me up
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