Salary expectations for this job role?

I think this type of role and the salary completely depends on the business type and size.

That role for example for the MI:5 would be £150k?
That role for a small internet reseller company would be £30k?
Well with a company that size, you would be looking after the security for all these sites? Then I would say £50k-£80k as an estimate (as i still don't know the company business sector)
it is going to depend in part on the type of company and will probably also depend on your experience and how much you're earning now

I'm not sure you're going to get (m)any useful data points here tbh..
Let's say a team of five third line engineers sat around a desk. Suddenly the san crashes as it's had faulty hard disks for six months and nobody has noticed.
Those same engineers were tasked years ago to implement a monitoring system so 'should' have been alerted.

another one

Engineer installs a SQL platform as requested, year later none of the sql nodes have had any windows updates

Engineer completes a year long firewall project, then says they are not responsible for security

Basically what I'm asking is does everyone these days require micro managing, or are people wired in a way to actually be proactive and push the network environment forward by taking some self responsibility

Back in the old days, people worked hard to get noticed which would lead to a promotion. I'm finding people will only do that now when you offer extra money and writing it down in black and white on their job description. You can't cover off every single thing. IT is too big and complex. My thought process is different. I will go the extra mile, do jobs one above my pay grade in the hope it leads to promotion or pay rise. I've doubled my salary in the last five years. This tells me I have the right mindset.

Accountability always goes upwards in my opinion and I think in general. Responsibility delegated and managed.

While as an 'engineer' they were responsible for implementing those things, where was the sign-off, task list, management to ensure it was done correctly?

E.g. SQL platform, not difficult to monitor updates status etc
Firewall - yes they might have set up the firewall but was the process in place for them to maintain it etc?

While I agree to an extent with the going the extra mile, your initial comment might give you an idea why some might not. I might have gone the extra mile to install that SQL node, then suddenly I get bother for not doing it 100% as expected...I'll think twice next time.
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