salary prospects

20 Oct 2006
i was thinking, what is the average salary in someones working life. i know it varies depending job.

having recently graduate though. the quoted average salary of 24k inaccurate, its more 18-20k atm

20yr-25yr= ?


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my real questions was supposed to be. at what salary does one become satisfied and sustainable.

considering the cost of living in the uk. again dependent on where you live.
yes but with tax 20% it comes down considerably, when they take NI and loans etc

probably 18k.

if your income is over 34800 is when you get taxed 40%, first 34800@20% and remainder at 40%

a sacrifice for ones success
i studied accounting and finance, i didnt bother with top big 4.

now im looking at the cfa and cpa qualifications and prospects and ask my self if its really worth the hassle, apposed to acca or aca

cfa only 35% pass rate, but the pay is bonkers
Define "average": do you mean the "mean" (add everyones salaries up and divide by number of people which gives a value that only about 10% of people reach), "mode" (line everyone up in order of salary, what the guy in the middle gets) or "median" (what the largest number of people earn)? They give quite different numbers.

Honestly, though, it's a pretty nonsense notion. The field you work in, and the area of the country you live in, make a huge difference.

im not just on about graduate salaries, i know its varied.

an example though. london met police starting salary including london living allowance is 30k, after 2 years service in uniform you specialise and increase your career and salary progression.

so someone at 18 for example could be potentionally earning a lot
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has anyone thought of moving abroad once they saved a considerable amount. say going gibraltar or something setting up a business.

i mean the quality of life and cost of living is so much better.

i understand now there is a considerable british expat community abroad, ie UAE etc
teachers LMAO

I used to get people in my uni talking about becoming a teacher as like a backup plan. no wonder inner london schools are ****
quick question


you've applied to a couple of graduate positions. couple have got back and 1 post seems to be really keen offering a interview. salary is 22k starting. the other potential applications are betweek 27-29k

what do you do
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