Sample from my video setup.

8 Aug 2010
I plan on doing some basic vids like this for my blog, and just thought I would post a sample that you can compare in terms of quality. I'm particularly happy with the sound, especially as the mic wasn't very close.

No post processing was done whatsoever, the below vid is SOOC.

Equipement used:
D800E in DX mode
85 1.4 @ 1.4
Camranger + Ipad
Macbook + Garageband

Yeh it was shot wide open, but my vids will only be standard res as they need to fit in a narrowish blog (hopefully spot's won't be so visible Lol).

I realised I had left auto tuning on, which creates some latency. Disable that and there is no latency to the best of my knowledge, I'll do a clap test tomorrow.
Garageband seems pretty cool, but I'm a newb and have barely scratched the surface.
Thanks :)

I was just going to use natural light, but I noticed that the light at the start of the video looks dull and by the end the sun came out a little and looks much nicer/warmer.

So just ordered one of these to go in the below softbox.

Yeh I hear Vegas is very good.
You can get wireless mics, but the good ones are very expensive.
If you want a portable mic, the zoom h1 or h2 ones are supposed to be very good. You will have to sync the audio and video in post though unless you find a way to plug the mic into the d800, but then you will have a wire. The chances are you will have to do some noise reduction anyway, so it will likely be just as easy to sync in post.
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