Samsung 34" monitor warranty claim

20 Oct 2010
I just would like your thoughts in the matter as its my first time i ever made a warranty claim and honestly I am really confused.

So December 2019 I got me a Samsung 34" ultrawide for xmas (i think around the 22nd it was).

I noticed a dust specle and no matter what i tried to do it still stayed there (so its behind the screen) and contacted Samsung like 2 weeks before my 2 years of warranty run out and they aggreed to fix it. Repair center took monitor and indeed said they ordered the panel and would fix.

A month passed and no news. Today samsung alternative resolutions contacted me saying i have 2 options exchange or refund but exchange is not happening due to the monitor not being in stock in months. The refund they calculated is 134 pounds ( i paid 279) for it because now its 25 months old (and out of warranty). I could understand half of what the lady was saying and I am a bit stressed out, its not my fault it took the repair team and samsung forever to decide what to do. Ill contact them tomorrow and try to speak with someone else, I asked her to give me her team leader or manager to speak to and wouldn't let me.

I asked her to send me an email... She was asking me if i still had the monitor or if it was with the repair center to which I will respond tomorrow

Any idea why is the refund so low ? Its not much of a choice i cant go and buy a 34" with that money which is stupid might as well have kept the monitor with the dust specle...
Any idea why is the refund so low ? Its not much of a choice i cant go and buy a 34" with that money which is stupid might as well have kept the monitor with the dust specle...

Ask them for it back then - this kind of **** is exactly the reason I would recommend people avoid Scamsung at all costs!
I know I should have kept it but I was trying to use their stupid warranty they should have given me the option to get it back pfff.

Spoke with them again and the rep wouldn't budge to let me speak to their manager.... I said can I not have a different monitor if you don't have stock of mine even though Samsung UK website has it!? And she said they dont have stock in their department but they can give me an uplift code to go to the retailer i bought the item from (not sure if i can name them).
Supposedly that is paid by Samsung and all I do is go and get a different item or money back.

I tried contacting the retailer on the phone and told them the situation and that I have this uplift number given to me by Samsung and the person was saying since I am now out of warranty it wont matter it wont work but I might get a different answer from the shop and I should go and try. I did say I made the claim while in warranty but she didnt care now its 25 months since I bought it...

I will try the local shop though i don't see any 34" on their website and I am sure the retailer will come with an excuse so possibly the chasing will have to continue and I will probably spam them to send me my unit back.

I have bought a new monitor for myself anyway but I was planning to gift the Samsung to my partner as hers are 2 x21 inch crappy monitors with one developing an issue and she wanted an ultrawide to replace them but that specle was at your eye level and distructing. If only I had known.

So far I have had a few Samsung devices and they all developed problems. A plasma TV died on year 3 (RS had 5 years warranty so got me a new different branded TV). 2 x Galaxy note 1 (yes the first one when it was released) after year one the battery on both had swolen and year two they both were so unresponsive even deleting cache wouldn't save them and out of warranty so bye bye both phones.

Honestly after this I will steer away from them.
Just to keep people up to date, went to the retailer and lo and behold they were like yes you have the uplift number but we need the monitor first and we won't know what we can give you (value wise) unless we get the monitor back.!!! The monitor is with Samsung!

So contacted back Samsung and the new person on the phone gave me a different value (£205) for a reduced 25 month old product and did say indeed they needed to arrange the monitor to come back to me and then me taking it to the retailer if i went with the other approach. If i did that i would refrain from refund direct from Samsung....
Long story short I accepted the new refund as its better than the 134 and to be honest really furious of this whole thing.

I was going to ask them to send mine back but the refund they gave is better and I wouldn't know in what state mine would be at the service center so decided to take the refund. Such a waste of time, trips and phone calls jeez.
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