Samsung 48"h6400 Calibration settings

5 Apr 2014
Hey all i know theres a fair few of us with this tv. But i have never set up my 2 tv's since i got them. Could someone be king enough to give me some decent settings please for HD films that are both 720 and 1080p remuxes and also 3d and HD content aswell as standard i do not have a clue where to start really LOL. I do have judder on my big file films not to sure wht LOLOL. Any help on settings be great thanks
get the disney (yes really, disney) world of wonder (wow) blu ray, I've managed to improve my now 6 yr old samsung tv with it and previously I was using some copied forum settings.

It's all done by eye with the WOW disc.

yea id try that. But i don't have a BluRAY player everything is streamed over my network lolol
ok might try get them done properly anybody know of anyone in Hull that might do it. Cannot seem to find one. Tried google but nothing shows under calibration
Im not sure what the issue is to be honest. Im changing my Android box for sure and getting the 2 bay Qnap NAS that has HDMI. It has android and linux. I think its there newer model 263 or 268. And im deffo going to get the screen looked into
But when you stream from your new nas to your main pc across your network will your main pc then stutter?
Seems to me your just throwing money at the problem without nailing down where the problems lies.

I think the problem lies with the Full set up to be honest the TV. and the network. Well the NAS wont stream to my main pc i be using the NAS like a home theatre pc plugged into my tv via the HDMI. Im not throwing money at the issue it was something i was looking at anyways instead of doing all the work via my network share
I watched Spectra last night on the tv and the film had slight judder. The pic was very clear it was a 1080 remux and looked ok. But i think it could have looked better. It looked to good if you know what i mean it looked like a drama instead of a james bond film. So i know it needs setting up properly. I work away month on month off on the Rigs so when im home im to bloody tired and catching up with the wife and kids i forget to do other things LOL. So it be money well spent knowing it be done properly
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I pay for stuff. I don't mind paying. Your right i don't know what is involved. And for your information i have booked in with HDtest to get both TV's done. Like i mentioned by the above its something that needed doing. And for me that download illegal torrents thats my business nobody elses. I bet people don't moan when there streaming free content like films exc on kodi. And watching free sport instead of paying for sky. Does that make them greedy?
Just had a call from HDtest. They had to cancel they said due to my area they did not have anyone to cover me. So i rang The gent i spoke to was called jules really friendly and said he could do both TV'S for £350 that includes travel cost which i think is a great price. Hes doing it Tuesday for me
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