Samsung 930BF - lightbleed rma?

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
I have had my samsung 930BF from ocuk since xmas, and its great but.. it has light bleed all the way from the left centre of the screen right across the middle to the right centre of the panel. This becomes aparant on a black or dark background, its really starting to annoy me now, so what are my options here? would samsung let me rma for a better panel?
Its certainly worth a try. All TFT's have some back light bleed as you probably know, mine does [VP930] but its very slight and even all over. I phoned Viewsonic last week to enquire about this and they said if it was bad enough to annoy me they would exchange it. Its not that bad as it happens and I'll be sticking with this one, but its nice to know they will change it when it gets, if it gets, to the stage where it annoys me.
Yeah I have treid to ignore it, but its very obvious on a game were its dark like Fear or example, its a shame cos it has no dead pixels or anything. If I do get it swapped I would be gambling that I dont end up with a panel with dead pixels or godforbid worse light bleed, and presumably a re furb too.
Not sure how you'd stand on that one Jimbo. If its a refurbished monitor, and it will be, then surely they will have tested the monitor before sending it back out to a new customer as an exchange. You could always ask them and say you don't want one with faulty pixels or light bleed that is worse than the one your sending back. Come to think of it, if the replacement has light bleed worse than the current monitor then that too would warrant an exchange.

[Edit] Give the driver a fiver to hang back while you check out the replacement then if its not to your liking get him to take that one back, phone the supplier and tell them why you've done so.
Heh thanks for that mate, I'll bear it in mind lol. I'm gonna play a few more dark atmos games and see if I can live with it, maybe Im just being picky or Im always looking for it now, I dunno.
Well, it is known that 90% of TFT's have backlight bleed. Depends on the severity of it. Problem is how the manufacturer sees it. Also, you have had it since Xmas and that is a couple months away. Was it like that when you first bought it or has it got worse?
Hi mate, it has been like that since xmas. it hasnt got any worse and I could put up with a bit of blees on the edges but this goeas right the way across the screen, I havent noticed any bleeding on my other 2 panels by the way.
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