Samsung B500, anyone?

30 Jul 2004
East Sussex, United Kingdom
Howzit all,

Just been trying to find out some more infomation on this cellphone. I've seen pictures and a little bit of the specs. Which includes a 7.7 MP camera. If so this thing must take awsome photos! :eek:

Just wondering, does anyone else have any more infomation on it or could tell me more about it. At the moment it looks like it's just in China or Japan or some strange country like that. As all the photos I've seen of it have a different keypad. I.E, not in English A.B.C. :confused:

Any infomation would be great!

Thanks all.
Not got any info on it but I remember a while back Samsung did another similar phone but a 5MP one I think. This 'phone' is more like a camera with a phone attached (or whichever way you want to look at it) to it if you look. Doubt it will ever see the light of day in Europe.
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