Samsung CRT HDTV Review?

3 Aug 2004
Are there any reviews of the Samsung CRT HDTV on the web at all? Having a hard time finding one to see if they are supposed to be any good.
You might want to check this thread out now.

Seems the first lot people were getting suffered from various problems, the geometry being the biggest. Luckily the newest batch people have been getting seem to be great.

The only thing stopping me from getting one, apart from the money, is the fact you can't connect it to your pc via a DVI cable. :(
My mate brought one of these from a electrical high street store. He raved about it for a while. After his 28 day return period it all started to go wrong. He has massive image problems, he's a member on here too I will ask him to get some shots. He gets bad lag and blur. The engineer that came out said it was a known fault and there was nothing he could do to fix it.

The store in question say as it's out of the 28 day return period and its a build problem they wont refund him. They wont replace it either.

I was thinking about getting one of these but I wont touch one now.
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