Ok so I've managed to have about an hour with it tonight and my first impression of it is, that it's utter rubbish, I'm well disappointed with it. Even when taking it out of the box I was thinking to myself just how cheap it felt - it had a very cheap feel to it right down to the plastic flimsy stand. It also felt much lighter than my previous 34uw (Acer Predator) which I thought wasn't a good sign. On powering it up I noticed straight away what other users had complained about, it just looked very dull, even after tweaking settings in the monitors display menu, ramping colour and contrast to the max, it didn't really help. I even messed on with Nvidia control panels digital vibrance but again not much help. At this point I knew the display would be returned but I fired up a game of call of duty mw, just to see how it felt. Bearing in mind I only played 10-15 minutes of cod I can't say I really notice much ghosting, no worse than my Gigabyte 32QC anyway, which I feel is more than acceptable. Comparing the Samsung to the Gigabyte again, in regards to how smooth it felt, input lag mainly, I've got to say the Gigabyte feels so much more responsive, the Samsung I dare say felt a tad too delayed and laggy for my liking, I do rate the Gigabyte for input lag though, noticeably better than the Samsung G7 even. God knows why Samsung didn't do a 34 inch version of their G7 and call it a G8, fitting it nicely between the 7 and 9, I was almost certain this is what they were going to do but nah, they decide to bring out this trash instead, a budget monitor in every sense of the word.
One thing I will say positive about the Samsung is that Gsync worked great on it, there was zero flickering like what I was getting on the 32 inch G7, at least with Call of duty anyway, which was the only game I played on it before boxing it back up.