Samsung Galaxy S MIUI or CM7 are they ready for prime time yet?

4 Nov 2003
I gave these a go months back and whilst they "worked" they were hard work and buggy, but shinning with potential. Essentially, i've stuck ith Darky's Rom throughout my SGS's existence, it's simple to stick with the same ROM and fairly good (far better than stock!).

But i was just wondering if anyone uses CM7 or MIUI and how you get along with it now days? I had a read over at XDA but the threads are massive now days, and it's really hard to get an overall feel of either.

What are the short comings of them now days? Battery I attain is better than it was, but still not perfect, what else is buggy? Does 3G switching work? What does MIUI or CM7 do that you can't live without on stock or other ROM's?

I kinda wanna switch, but there is a lot of effort involved and i don't want to have to faff around between both to realise day to day running is a pain in the ass or there a little too much "upkeep" involved. Don't get me wrong i don't mind some, i've went from Darky from his very early work all the way up to 10.2.2 just yesterday (which is what go me thinking about MIUI/CM7 again). So i'm fine with a little fettling every so often :)

Thoughts and comments welcomed!
Ok so just went for it anyway, had a free night, and i'm glad i did, anyone else thinking of jumping ship i recommend you do so now, by far the best thing that has ever happened to my phone!

So many little things that just make it superb, very very very happy!
Which ROM did you flash? I missed this thread when you first posted, but I'll add my thoughts:

I have been running all sorts of ROMs, including different flavours of MIUI and CM7 on and off. I'm currently on CM7 and it's better than ever, but there are still bugs. Battery drain is faster than the excellent recent Samsung stock ROMs (I ran JVS more or less since release until this week), but speed is better and more customisation etc as you know. I don't like Darky's any more, there are much better 'photoshop' ROMs out there nowadays. I've found a few bugs with CM7 this week, phone locked up, had bootloops on installation, but a lot has been added recently. Led-notifications are back, custom colours are now in, I think FM radio works. 720p recording is still broken though. It's a great ROM, but I wish I could get more battery life, actually mainly the fault of Three for turning off all the 2G transmitters (or more accurately not allowing access to the Orange network). Oh, and I think the 2G/3G toggle is being addressed in the latest CM7 nightly, it's hard to keep track, but the thread on XDA has the info (as well as the slightly cryptic changelog). It's not a daily ROM though, and never will be on the SGS thanks to Samsung. MIUI seems to be a less buggy, but slightly more bloated experience. I do like the launcher, if a little iphone-esque, it works well.
I'm on the latest nightly, i remember the 2g/3g toggle warning and i've just not touched it incase, because i know it could cause major problems!

Well i've been using it for now, it seems bloody good, only thing i can't test is battery life, i guess i'll have to move back to stock based roms if it isn't good enough :( But otherwise this lastest nightly i'm running is superb. Paid for Rom Manager as well and i'll get update notifications (can't quite get it to register me for push updates but its probably a bug :p).
I bought ROM manager and it prompts whenever there's an update. Just install the premium app and launch it and I think it works.
A day is all i really ask, i'm easily pleased, if i can manage a day after *using* my phone then i'm fine!

@alex24 what i meant was there appears to be push updates included with CM7 in their system settings, it warns you that you need a preium license to register (which i have) but it fails none the less...

Only thing i'm missing is swype now which i'm currently jumping through hoops to install now :)
I just checked on mine - doesn't work either and lots of people on the net say it was never sorted on their end, so I guess it won't work. At least the ROM Manager notifications work.

Also, try opening ROM Manager and holding down the button that says download ROM, there's an easter egg!
I actually found swype got worse in the last 6 months (been using it since I got the phone) unfortunately. The accuracy is not as good anymore for me, and it doesn't add spaces as consistently and a couple of other niggles. I've used the latest betas. I'm now on the Gingerbread keyboard (default CM7) and can't praise it enough. It almost always picks up on my errors, much better than swype, shame it's not as easy with one hand though.
I like the ginger keyboard, but i can't live without swype, i find swype just gets worse as it gets older. Predictions get way off as it compounds months of slightly miss typed words, clearing everything easily fixes it :)

Latest swype offers better UI and multitouch tapping and auto correction (like the ginger keyboard) so basically its best of both worlds for me! I couldn't ask hem for more right now :)
Just flashed my Galaxy S with CM7 yesterday since the interface screwed up on the stock Gingerbread ROM (it happened for no particular reason at all, could be nitrality changing the resolution, could be anything else).

Damn, it's fast. The battery life seems fine too and it gets rid of unnecessary crapware too.

Not noticed any bugs yet, flashing the Gapps was the only minor inconvenience as of yet (had to fix the Clockworkmod device choice since it would skip the Recovery stage on reboot).

Very happy with it. :)
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