Samsung - having a laugh right?

18 Oct 2002
North Wales
I posted here a while back, regarding the pivot stand on my monitor (SM970P).

The problem was the the stand is no longer supporting the weight of the screen, and the screen basically sags down if you adjust the height.

Well, I've been in contact with Samsung and the gentlemen I spoke to, didn't seem to agree that the warranty covered the stand? :confused:

And said that the dept that deals with returns, faults etc wouldn't be able to "cope" with it? And that the warranty only covers the screen itself?

Is this some sort of joke? How can they not cover the stand/hinge under the manufacturers warranty?
Just phone again and hopefully you'll get through to someone competent this time. The stand should definitely be covered by the warranty. Maybe the guy thought by stand you meant something you had the monitor sat on.

I had a lot of problems with Samsung myself.
fish99 said:
The stand should definitely be covered by the warranty.

damn right,it's the whole thing.
I remember when you posted originally ref the stand so I take it you were unable to tighten it?
Just ring them again and start quoting your rights.How can they state that only bits of an lcd are covered!!! :mad:
Steve_h said:
damn right,it's the whole thing.
I remember when you posted originally ref the stand so I take it you were unable to tighten it?
Just ring them again and start quoting your rights.How can they state that only bits of an lcd are covered!!! :mad:

It's been "escalated" to their "technical" department :p I should get a call back during the week, should anyway ;)
Steve_h said:
Good luck,let us know how it goes:)

I had a call in the week to let me know they're still looking into it, and I'd be contacted in 2 business days. This was tuesday :rolleyes:

I'll give them a call tomorrow to find out wtf is going on.
I had this problem too with them promising to ring me back but never doing it. My situation was a little different though, because they accepted the fault on my CRT but had no replacement to send me. Took months before they finally agreed to send me something different instead and by that time I'd gone out and bought something else. About five times I was promised a call back and never got one.
Update: The person I spoke to today (I made the call) told me that they have dispatched a new stand.

First thought = win.
Second thought = htf does the current one come off.
Sounds like their having a laugh. One thing that may help is get the name of the manager and names of people you spoke to. That way they cannot refute ever promising anything.
also seeing as it's taking so long, write them a letter detailing all previous phone conversations (time, date, person you spoke you, what they said or promised) and keep a photocopy. If nothing happens with whatever their warranty states as the replacement period then write again but CC it to some consumer body or other (Or at least state that you've cc'd it) ...tend to help. Keep the text calm and politely request a replacement monitor as you're is obviously not up to standard...
Still no sign of a replacement stand :rolleyes:

I called them again yesterday, and apparantly it was out of stock, but I've been assured it has now been dispatched. I was given a tracking number, but the chap didn't know who the courier was :p

I had confirmation off of him again though, that it will be the correct stand and that assembling it myself will not affect my warranty.
Success, it arrived today. No instructions, but it was relatively simple to install. I'm not so sure how someone less savvy with technology would cope though :)

The stand itself appears to have some sort of sprung mechanism, so I don't think it is possible to 'tighten' it, it looks as if the spring has lost some of it's sprung, which would mean that they could be prone to this sort of thing. I hope not.

I got there in the end, but it was more hassle than it should have been. I had to call Logitech today, within 2 minutes I was off the phone and had a replacement item on its way - much better.

Samsung - Must try harder, C.
I had a heart attack at Hitachi the other day when my TFT decided to give up the ghost, i phoned them up, but it was a couple of weeks out of warranty, so they wanted £111.63, courior charge (to pick it up), and labour charge, then whatever it cost to fix the damn thing on the top of that, she said they would contact me with the estimate, and if i decided that it was to much to fix or whatever, then they would return it, but i would'nt get the £111.63 back. :eek:

I just asked if she was having a laugh, then said **** that, and put the phone down, went to my local and bought a Sony one with a 12ms response time for £155, and its a cracker. :cool:
LoadsaMoney said:
I just asked if she was having a laugh, then said **** that, and put the phone down, went to my local and bought a Sony one with a 12ms response time for £155, and its a cracker. :cool:

Best Way :p
Scottland...guess what,yep mine has started to sag :mad:
I recon it goes down around 2 inches from maximum height which is no big deal but whats it going to be like in another 8 months!!
E-mailed support and they have given me their support number to ring so I'll be doing that next week.
right, e-mailed support and got a reply to ring them.
Spoke to them today and they are sending me a replacement fingers crossed no hassle :rolleyes:
After 3 weeks of phoning them to ask where my replacement stand is and being told "it's in the spares queue" I get an answer phone message saying that they are infact going to do a swap out on the whole monitor.
I have now e-mailed them saying that as I have a zero dead pixel screen I am not willing to take the chance on the replacement and why is it that others (scottland) were just sent the stand :mad:
Sorry I haven't seen this earlier, I'm getting worried now that the problem could be inherent with the design of the stand - I don't want to go through the whole thing again.

If they send you a new screen though and don't take the old one, win? You could even swap the screens round if the newer one didn't have 0 dead pixels.

Keep us posted with this, I hope you get it sorted soon!
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