Samsung HW-Q950A

23 Apr 2014
Anyone looking at the above? I can see an online UK retailer now has them in stock.

Should be a good upgrade from my HW-N950 that never got the eARC firmware :mad: I really didn't want to go Samsung again but this seems to have very little competition unless you don't mind the Nakamichi but this new Q950A has 2 extra channels.

I've tried out the LG SN11RG around a friends house and I felt it wasn't any better than my N950 :(
Samsung HW-Q950A Thread 11.1.4! | AVForums

Best place to check. Having a quick read of the thread there don't seem to be any glaring issues if you have equipment capable of doing what you want it to do (One user bleating about LPCM via eARC not working but his TV only sends 2ch via ARC which is likely the issue, others are fine). Wasn't aware a new bar was out let alone an 11.1.4... my N950 may be relegated to the bedroom :p
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