samsung LED TV's

20 Sep 2005
Wilderness of ESSEX
Popped into my local Curry's to look at some samsung TV'S to replace my current one.
I was so surprised to notice that the finish on the latest TV's was very plastic and cheap looking !

The Sony TV's do look pretty good and the finish and styling are rather good.
What is happening with samsung at the moment. Their TV's use to look amazing and the picture quality was brilliant !
The mobile phone side of samsung has improved to apple standard at the expense of letting the TV standard slip !
TV's now are so stylist that some are a form of modern art. For me it has always been the picture quality and sound, however style has now been added to the mix. This has made TV's a iconic item to display in the home. I loved to have my current LED TV to include the illuminated manufacture name which was on some models a few years back.
Sony have done this and it does add another wow factor to the TV.

I think I am heading towards buying a Sony due to the build and picture quality of the TV's !
As for PQ the Sony's in the Curry's store did appear to have the edge. Of I need to have both LED TV's displaying he same source and set on the same picture mode.

Another factor for me is I hang my TV on the wall, so flush HDMI and other sockets are a must !
At the moment the Sony seems to have a lot of boxes ticket. I am just so surprised have far behind Samsung are with their TV's in a difficult market !
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