Samsung NC 20 (manual on Samsung website)

8 Jan 2009
Good evening everyone,

I heard the rumours of a Samsung NC20 a couple of weeks back and a google search just now reveals...

Samsung NC20 manual

At first look the manual appears to be the same manual as the NC10 (give or take the screen size and processor), but on the underside of the netbook, the panel you take off to access the RAM appears to reveal the HDD bay as well.

Edit: Seems to have been added to the Samsung website yesterday. Plenty of Google hits out there!
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1.3ghz via nano according to the manual. should be one to watch !

looking around, the nano's seem to be about twice the performance of a c7 at the same clock speed, not sure how that compares to an atom yet. according to via, the 1ghz nano uses 5w under load and 1w at idle.

edit: spanks it apparently

it does use more power at load though. seems to me like its a case if if you want to go faster you can with the nano. i think the nc20 will definately be an interesting laptop.
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