As a racing game junky, I love my Rift. I'm not blind though, watching a replay on my monitor reminds me how bad the resolution is. It's back to Standard Definition when you've been used to HD. I played with triples previously and that was good and nice visually but I'm not very particular about the graphics if I'm honest. That's why the extra immersion of VR won me over, that and the fact I've lived with crap eyesight since I was 8, so I'm used to a bit of blur on occasion. I'm usually looking at the track ahead, I very rarely look at dials but when I do I can see what I need to. It's the limit of the current tech and I accept it as it is, but I've also backed the Pimax 8k in the hope of improvement (although it will be a costly upgrade because I will need a new 1080ti build PC to run it).
Everyone has to decide for themselves what's important to them when they're spending their hard earned. I personally think it's good to exchange views and discuss with people who have a different view, the world would very boring if we all held the same opinions about stuff.