Which do you prefer out of the original and the plus?
It’s tough, they are more different than people may think!
As delivered I found the odyssey+ did not fit as well, leaving gaps for light to break through, and side by side the way they’ve implemented screen door reduction can make the image look a touch too smooth. Also not coming with a PU interface compared to the original odyssey was odd, the PU is easier to clean when sharing the headset around.
in the end I bought VR covers PU extra thick insert for the odyssey+ Which makes the fit and cleanability perfect! I also bought the thick standard foam for the original odyssey to compare and give me options, but have stuck with PU on both due to having other people use the headsets at times.
The SDE is more challenging, you definitely notice it more on the original, which comparatively can be more distracting, but then the relative lack of SDE on the plus can look softer at times if back to backing the headsets.
ultimately as long as you get the VR cover insert, I’d probably recommend the plus, it has a built in Bluetooth receiver for the (identical) controllers and the SDE (or lack of) is worth it because whilst it might look slightly softer, it still retains all the detail!