Samsung Q70R with NOW TV 4k/UHD boost - strange letterbox issue.

19 Apr 2003
I recently updated my NOW package (films, series and sport) to 4K boost. Since then the black bars in films/series (letterbox) have smeared colours in them which move - very distracting.

However, if the picture has no letterboxing the 4K/UHD is perfect - no issues.

I should add that I have the same issues whether it's the Samsung TV APP or when NOW TV is viewed through a 4K ROKU device - exactly the same issue. Which makes me think it's an app issue or the TV...

NOW TV Chat said they had never heard of a similar issue - but that means little from experience - so wondering if this is a known issue for other users.

Additional info: I have the latest TV update and have deleted and reinstalled the NOW TV app on both devices - but zero improvement. (and suspicious that they both have the exact same issue)
UPDATE/VIRTUALLY RESOLVED - if anyone does a search for similar issue.

I've pinpointed the issue. In 'Advanced Samsung Picture Settings' it shows that NOW TV is broadcast in HLG. If I reduce the setting to -3 in almost eliminates the problem completely. For some users i suspect it may cure the issue completely.

I have since done a search and HLG seems to be a common issue with certain Samsung models - and the biggest culprit is Sky Q software and the way it implements HLG, which NOW TV uses. Most report problem with blacks appearing blue and other issues with Sky Q - but all had to play with the HLG settings to try and salvage their picture.

So, it appears to definitely be a NOW TV app related and seems to be a variation of an old/existing issue with Sky Q and their implementation of HLG - affecting 4k/UHD broadcasts.
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