Samsung Q80T QLED - Stuttering question

13 May 2008
Hope someone can help, not sure where to put this so hopefully this is the right place.

Purchased a Q80T in November for my PS5 however I have noticed some issues and I am hoping it could potentially be a setting I am missing.

The issue only seems to happen when either playing sports (FIFA21) or watching sports, what happens is now and then from dead balls or when something starts slow but speeds up quick it is as if my frame rate drops to about 5/10fps (like a stutter), I thought maybe just FIFA but when watching HD sports I can notice it too - as I say not all the time but it’s enough to notice, it happens for a few seconds and then as if the picture / process catches up then returns to normal.

Is they’re some sort of setting on the TV which could cause this?

Yes there's a huge thread on AV forums about this. I'll summarise it for you... all Samsung QLEDs from 2020 seem to have this problem yet some people notice it more than others. Some are unaware the issue exists because they don't tend to watch the 50hz content where it is most noticeable and problematic. There is no fix currently. Samsung have been mixed and in some cases have partially acknowledged it as an issue and in other cases denied there is an issue at all. Many people believe it is fixable in software (if Samsung can be bothered) since to mitigate the issue you can run the TV in game mode with all processing options off to stop seeing the issue. Problem with this is that it is a massive compromise in picture quality in game mode for several reasons.
I would strongly consider returning the TV if you still can. Many people already have done. It's not good enough for the high cost of the QLED series.
Ohh that’s not what I wanted to hear..but I have joined up there and will keep an eye on the thread. Sadly I purchased mine back in November and Currys won’t warrant any sort of return now, might have to go through samsung direct if nothing seems to fix it.
Hope someone can help, not sure where to put this so hopefully this is the right place.

Purchased a Q80T in November for my PS5 however I have noticed some issues and I am hoping it could potentially be a setting I am missing.

The issue only seems to happen when either playing sports (FIFA21) or watching sports, what happens is now and then from dead balls or when something starts slow but speeds up quick it is as if my frame rate drops to about 5/10fps (like a stutter), I thought maybe just FIFA but when watching HD sports I can notice it too - as I say not all the time but it’s enough to notice, it happens for a few seconds and then as if the picture / process catches up then returns to normal.

Is they’re some sort of setting on the TV which could cause this?


I have this TV, the stuttering is caused by the blur reduction.

If you set blur reduction to 0 in the game motion plus settings the stutter goes away.
I have this TV, the stuttering is caused by the blur reduction.

If you set blur reduction to 0 in the game motion plus settings the stutter goes away.

I have the 85Q80T - the judder that is present in OTA broadcast TV does not get fixed using the blur reduction in a normal viewing mode. Turning game mode on does solve the issue (meaning it is very likely a software issue) but then you are forced to watch TV with a terrible picture output.

The long awaited firmware posted by Samsung the other day did NOT fix this so I'm going to start the process of having Argos attempt their one allowed "repair" so I can get my money back as it's under 6 months old.

The judder makes OTA broadcasts unwatchable. Everything else seems fine. I can sort of live with the DSE as it's there on most sets to some degree. I've had 5 differenct Samsung TV's over the last decade and not one of them had this judder rubbish - I thought I was getting an upgrade going for the QLED, but no.

Don't really want to give it back as I got the 85" for a "bargain" £2499 before Xmas I assume due to a mad mispricing on Argos' part - even Richer Sounds would not match that price and the lowest I've seen this model is the £2999 that it's at just now. But I'm going to need to, because there is no way I'm putting up with that stuttervision.

Steer clear of the 2020 QLED's would be my advice. You get some folk saying they don't see the judder, but I reckon they can't be opening their eyes to watch their tellies very much then... @jaybee is right, take a look over at AVforums, or Samsungs own forums.

Samsung are burying their head in the sand about this problem, and it will make me think twice next time I want to upgrade my phone, watch, monitor, tablet or washing machine, as these are ALL Samsung products!
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