Samsung TV price drops?

They did black Friday somewhat and will do more so when next gen comes out. Q90R for example dropped fairly steep when 2020 panels were out.
Price drops happen every year; and every year there are threads asking if there'll be price drops. It's kind of predictable in the same way that the sun rises and sets.

What's less predictable is the timing and how far prices will fall.

In previous years it has been a response to competition and a reaction to how fast or slow certain models sell. It's basic economics that if you have an empty warehouse, or you can sell everything you've got, then there's little point announcing big price drops on stock that's in high demand. Similarly, if you're struggling to shift product because some other brand has a lower cost then that's exactly the time to look at a price reduction.

The situation this year is very different. COVID has impacted manufacturing in part supply, finished good supply and transport. It's also hammered retailing. There's also a lot of uncertainty about job security. Potentially then we have a situation where there's less stock (upward price pressure) but at the same time maybe a scarcity of buyers too.
Hi all, will Samsung drop their prices later this year/new year? Eg: Q80T @ £2899 maybe to £1999?

All decent tvs drop in price over time from launch until they go EOL within 12 months usually.

From past experience the best time to buy a TV is in January to February.

I've bought 3 TV's during this period for the lowest price available before they went out of stock everywhere and were replaced by new models around March - April.

However it is luck of the draw in terms of everything.

Only some models will get big reductions as others don't need to be reduced. So you can't bank on a specific model dropping but if you have a shortlist of some decent models a few will pop up.

You need to check daily several times a day as when they drop they sell out fast and are never in stock again because new models on the way.

Some may drop several times some only once so do you gamble for more savings and possibly end up missing out?

I got a circa £1800 launch price plasma in late January for £799 iirc.

I also got another plasma which launched for £1600 for £899 in February.

My latest TV was £999 iirc and launched for £1600 iirc. Bought around the same time.
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