Samsung TVs

8 Apr 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
I have just moved into my own place and have been eyeing up some new TVs, i like the look of all of the ones below, and have checked the other manufacturers in the same price range, however despite all having very similar features and specs etc I was just wondering on a personal level if anyone has had the experience with any of the below.

Samsung H6400 48"

Samsung UE48H6200 48"

Samsung UE48J5500A 48"
I have a newish Samsung TV, however its a UE48JU6400 (4K), cant fault it at all. Now 3-400 quid cheaper than what I paid when it came out a few months ago too.

Can install youtube, netflix, plex from the app store and all work great.

However I am no TV buff and others would probably bang on about the black levels or some other guff. :)
Ah nice, I did have a look at the 4ks as they are all dropping rapidly in price, however I don't think I'd have the full use of it with the rest of my rig being limited. Iv never had a smart TV before so I like the idea of the apps etc on it, much easier than using the xbox/computer etc
Yeah I rarely watch any live TV these days, other than football, its all Netflix or Plex. Both those apps work pretty well.

4K isn't really worth it, its only really Netflix that has much content and you will have watched all that within 1-3 months. My PC can do 4K, somewhat, but thats in the office!

I just wanted 4K and the price premium wasn't too bad.
The great thing about Samsung tvs are they mainly use VA panels, so good colours, good viewing angles and detailed and excellent black levels.

Sony's and LG's tend to use IPS panels so better colours and better viewing angles but greyish blacks.

Probably the easiest way to explain IPS panels vs VA panels really so much of it depends on the type of panel your chosen TV has, but I would still advise you get yourself down to Currys or John Lewis and compare the screens yourself.

John Lewis I believe have a no 14 day no quibble policy same as rainforest site too. Its worth checking those 2 companies out though so you can at least return and refund it just in case you get a TV with bad pixels or clouding since many other places ie currys won't return stuff.
Ah nice, I did have a look at the 4ks as they are all dropping rapidly in price, however I don't think I'd have the full use of it with the rest of my rig being limited. Iv never had a smart TV before so I like the idea of the apps etc on it, much easier than using the xbox/computer etc

Yeah 4K is a mute point imo it may take off or not same with other tech like HDR imo, so it boils down to most you can afford and best picture quality imo.

If you can manage and wait for black friday at the end of november if you can get online and through to those sites like JL and currys.... you may bag yourself a good bargain since it will be discounts galore.
To be fair, my current tv isnt too bad for what it is and how long iv had it, i just have a lump of cash burning a hole in my pocket.
im never really sold on black friday deals to be honest, theyre a little bit like steam sales, very much hit and miss for the most part.
im not in a rush to get one, so maybe that would be a better time to have a look, theres always deals on, and i check hotukdeals about 5x a day for various things anyway so maybe a great deal will pop up and tempt me.
H6400 is great VFM.

I own the 40", and advised my gf to get the 32" as a result, and both are great TVs for the price.
To be fair, my current tv isnt too bad for what it is and how long iv had it, i just have a lump of cash burning a hole in my pocket.
im never really sold on black friday deals to be honest, theyre a little bit like steam sales, very much hit and miss for the most part.
im not in a rush to get one, so maybe that would be a better time to have a look, theres always deals on, and i check hotukdeals about 5x a day for various things anyway so maybe a great deal will pop up and tempt me.

Tons of samsung hotuk deals coming and going over there but they go quickly, the best deal I missed was via samsung direct website here:

They literally had 50% knocked off the price, the special offer atm is not good considering they had the same set for £350 last month for about 2-3 hours though they all sold out, other models also had 50% off too.

Id bet black friday they may do it again... but yeah some deals are hit and miss, by next summer we should have 4K even more mainstream, cheaper, better and more importantly actual real 4K content visible not the barely 4K streams and sources we got so far via netflixs.

But naturally always something better and cheaper down the road...
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