Samsung VESA mount hole thread issue

16 Nov 2007
Hi all

Hoping to get some feedback from people who've installed many VESA mounts in their time (Lucid)

I've picked up a new 65" Samsung TV, started to attach the VESA bracket and noticed one of the holes doesn't accept as much of a bolt (read as very little) as the other three. It's as if the M8 thread hasn't been tapped correctly.

I've used different bolts but the problem persists and is only in one of the holes.

Anyone come across this before?

Would there be any issue with packing the bolt with washers / spacers to suit the depth I can get?

I will be speaking to the store tomorrow.


If you can see in to the hole and see the thread goes deeper than it will allow you to screw in to then I'd agree that it hasn't been finished correctly. You don't need much of a thread to get a grip, but it's reassuring to know that all four are threaded in securely; especially with a 65" TV.

Since it's a new TV then I'd concur about talking to the store. Its a PITA for all concerned, but better than hearing that crash one night.
Thanks, will see what they say tomorrow.

Have you ever come across this yourself?

I found a couple of issues on the net relating to smaller Samsung sets inc monitors. Seems like a potential known albeit infrequent quality issue.

My small Samsung 32 has one bolt hole a lot shallower than the other for some reason (by design, the manual alerts you to it). Completely stupid design decision.
Well the store came out to verify themselves and accepted there is a defect. Currently awaiting proposed resolution. There was a mention of Samsung potentially coming out to review and repair..... Hopefully not just to use a tap & die set in my lounge!

I presume I'd be within my rights to demand a new unit? Or at least have something offered to me to sweeten the deal in the event of on site repair (it's a £3k TV)
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For a £3k TV I think I would be asking for a replacement, not for some goon to sit there and tap a hole in the back of the set!
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