Just bought a Samyang 50mm f1.4 and from the looks of it the lens has been improved by several firmware updates since it's original release. I'm guessing I can find out the current firmware by digging through the exif data. I'm not sure I can justify the purchase price for a quick firmware update once in a while. Does anyone have one that would be willing to lend/rent one to me? I'm debating buying one and then charging a small fee through fat llama or something to pay off the cost of it as there must be other people who want one, but can't really justify the purchase for an almost one off use?
Mods: I'm not sure where this falls as it's not a sale/wanted thread I don't think. If there is a problem with this close and please don't kill/ban me!
Mods: I'm not sure where this falls as it's not a sale/wanted thread I don't think. If there is a problem with this close and please don't kill/ban me!