san andreas mp

27 Sep 2004
Today I downloaded the San Andreas multiplayer...thingy, it all works fine!
The only problem I'm having is....what is this thing all about? What are the players/users suppost to be doing? I go into a server, and all I seem to be doing is running/driving around, I try and kill someone, and it doesn't work, then they kill me :confused: I'm just really confused as to what on earth your suppost to achieve by playing this. One guy told me to buy a house, he said I needed to stand in a red area or something...what red area? There is no red area around any of the safe houses. I also noticed that everyone on the player list has a different coloured name...what's that for? Does it mean the people with the blue name's are killable? :confused:

Please help :)
Just describe to me what it's about, and what I'm suppost to be doing.

Turbanation said:
how did u install this? mention exact steps

Nothing to do with the installation, the game works fine, everything is cool, apart from the gameplay, there's just nothing to do. I have managed to find a couple of servers that run the gang war mode, that was ok, but I think there must be some hacking going on, myself and 2 other yakuza's were standing shooting the crap out of this guy, then I ran up with a chainsaw....absolutely nothing happend he would not die! He just kept shooting back :confused:
There seems to be a lot of that going on.

If any of you guys are going on for a game, let me know.
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