Sandisk SD cards for Nikon D50

29 Oct 2003
Perivale, London

i have just got myself a new Nikon D50 and i need to get a SD card for it but is it worth paying more for a Extreme III over the ULTRA II ?

at the moment i am thinking of getting a 2 GB card.
In short, no.

Save your dosh and get Ultra II's.

The extra speed III's (and now IV's) offer is something only high end bodies really take advantage of - the only other thing notable about them is their working temperatures are much wider than Ultra II's, but unless you plan on shooting in extreme conditions, it's not needed.

In my own opinion your better off getting two 1GB cards, too - you'll be able to fit ~180 RAW photos on a 1GB card, so best not to stick too many eggs into one basket.

If you shoot a lot of actiony stuff then a 2GB card may be a better bet, though!
tonyzero said:
i have ordered 2 1Gb Ultra II's. :D
Nice one. For the price these days you cant go worng. I now have 4x 1gb Ultra IIs. Splitting into several cards is good, incase one gets lost/stolen/broken etc is a good idea. :)

On a similar thread, total camera noob looking at picking up a Lumix LX2 in September and need some SD advice. Preferrably use 4GB cards, but I'm happy to use multiple 2GBs if the performance is better.

What would you recommend? I shoot in all conditions, including a lot of high altitude (upto 12,000 feet) and cold (-20c) work. Don't mind having multiple cards for different conditions, I.e., a mountain use one and some for every day.

Ideally I'm going to be shooting RAW\fine JPEG so highest speed possible really. Been looking at Ultra IIs and OEM Samsung 4GB parts that are apparently 150X. Any reason to avoid these OEM Sammy parts?

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