17 Oct 2002
Cold Scotland :(

We are going be be getting a nice shiny SAN as soon as we choose a brand/model. Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on the following:

HP EVA4400
IBM Nseries 3600
Hitachi AMS 2100
Dell Equalogic PS5000XV

Top three are FC, Dell is iSCSI. Looking at putting Exchange onto it initially, then using it later for Virtualisation.

Any comments / opinions / ideas are welcomed :)
morfmedia, that's good to know as it could be the one we purchase. Any more info on it would be appreciated.

Shaz, we don't have the budget for a CX4 (We checked). And yes the Nseries (NetApp) stuff is excellent but software is costly.

We are looking to get a single shelf for now, with either FC or SAS disks for our Exchange 2007 setup. We will be going virtualising next year so will be adding more capacity.
I don't know really, this is our first SAN :D

Looking for anything such as "Oh, watch out for X" or "Make sure you get Y".

At the moment it will be a Fibre SAN, with Cisco 9124 switches, with only the Exchange server attached to begin with. And the management server. Looking at getting a single tray filled with SAS 15k rpm 450 GB disks. When we go VM we will get more obviously :)
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