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Sapphire R9 290 tri-x alternative?

7 Dec 2009
Hey all

I was having problems with my awesome 290 tri-x black screening, now it is dead, no signal. Looking at some online reviews I seem to have my symptoms replicated in quite a few places (Random black screen crashes at idle or under load, then eventually the card not giving out a signal ever again).

Totally gutted as the performance was phenomenal coming from my 5850.

Anyways, I am a little worried about getting that same card again, what would I be looking at paying for a card by Nvidia that would perform like the card i'm now returning? Not too well up with Nvidia at the moment.

Also what is the next best R9 290 as apposed to the Sapphire tri-x? It seemed to get the best reviews for quietness (which I can attest to) and "Bang for Buck".

Cheers guys.
What is going on here? I am reading the same problems with the gigabyte and now Moogleys had problems with the MSI.

I really want this to be a case of "My card is fine so i wont post how fine it is on the internet" and that us unfortunate few seem to be more than we really are, but I am losing confidence. It all seems to be related to black screens :/

I cant stomach the thought that I will need to splash out another £180 to get a 780ti, and I really wouldn't be happy with a 780 looking at the benchies compared to the 290.

Damn you AMD giving me a taste of that power for that price.
So, we have super expensive or super flaky cards.

Cant be doing with the headache, my 5850 was and is bomb proof so dropping +£300 on a card that might just decide to start black screening any time (especially with the short warranty periods) feels too crazy for me.

I'm going to grab a mid-range card and try again next year for something with real power. Hopefully we will be off trying to squeeze this current process to death by then.

super sigh......
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