
I wouldn't say it's the most intelligent at all. It's just that it's often used and abused by intelligent people to get their point across quickly.

I think sarcasm is awful if it's done badly, but is hilarious if done properly.

Slapstick is the lowest form of wit, imo.
Not really. Saying the opposite of what you mean in a hurtful or vicious way doesn't take that much nous. Pun+Irony is a much better indicator IMHO.
Treefrog said:
Not really. Saying the opposite of what you mean in a hurtful or vicious way doesn't take that much nous. Pun+Irony is a much better indicator IMHO.

Well you can use sarcasm in a hurtful way, but this is a thread about it's comedy use. Totally different.
Treefrog said:
Not really. Saying the opposite of what you mean in a hurtful or vicious way doesn't take that much nous.
There's so much more to it than that, though!

Although I agree that a really good pun or something deliciously ironic will win out every time.
The way is see it, Less Intelligent people have no other form of humor or making jokes apart from farts and boobs. An intelligent person to make a joke doesnt need any wit or fart and boobs, it can be made by making up a complete arguement against what you've said and phrased it in one funny sentence. Definatley the high intelligence imo, but it doesnt define a person, just how intelectual they like there jokes.
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merlin said:
Well you can use sarcasm in a hurtful way, but this is a thread about its comedy use. Totally different.
It's difficult not to use it in a hurtful way, simply by the definition of sarcasm. Simply saying the opposite of what you mean is irony, which I think is what you're referring to? Especially when it's on two levels, conveying two messages in one.
Arcade Fire said:
... deliciously ironic will win out every time.
Delicious irony. That sums it up TBH
Many think sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, as it’s intended to be hurtful or to belittle. Mostly the remarks are cutting and at “their” expense.

But wit is intelligence, but on the other hand sarcasm is scornful, contemptuous and taunting, hence it is rightfully the lowest form of wit Contentious I know.

Also it is only the lowest form in some ways to those who haven’t mastered the true art of using sarcasm correctly. However it’s classed as low because it targets chiefly the sensitive, inarticulate, unsophisticated and powerless.
People say that Oscar Wilde said it but if he did he never actually wrote it down or had it directly attributed to him.

I use sarcasm a lot but I only use it in a nasty way when I'm really annoyed or in a bad mood. This usually happens when I hold a door open for someone and they fail to acknowledge me, so I just say something like "That's ok".

I'm fully aware that a lot of people don't like sarcasm but I just can't stop myself from using it sometimes.
Sarcasm is also used in a lot of dry humour. Emotionless, joking at the expense of others, but coming across as all serious.

I've been known to coldly scold (oxymoron.. LOL) someone, and they haven't even noticed, any yet someone else has intervened and said, "That was harsh".

I'm also well aware that most of the time it is most unwelcome, but sometimes I become so enraged or just fed up with the direction a conversation or action is heading I end up mocking the person, and convey this in a way (or I try) so as they don't even notice.

It amuses me sometimes to have a laugh at "their" expense, and see them not realise.
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