Sat nav of footpaths.

Viewranger app.
Works spot on as a sat nav style app. You can map out your own routes on pc and upload them to your phone and record routes as you ride. There's inbuilt free maps for footpaths, cycle routes etc, you can also buy the os maps and use those if you wish.
you can plan your own route and then upload it to your garmin
the line will click on to footpaths if point a is a road and point B is a footpath/cycleway.

pretty easy to plan a route just clicking along where you want to go
BTW when planning your route if you click "bike paths" at the top next to "satellite"
it highlights them on the map like this
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sounds like not much is likely to happen if you do.
as long as you are being respectful to other and not bombing along at 20mph with a bunch of other riders, then do you think the land owner would really mind?
Footways(pavements) are not footpaths:
The legal status of footways and footpaths differs: a footway runs alongside carriageway(i.e. a road), whereas a footpath is located away from it(e.g. between buildings or through open countryside). Cycling on a footpath normally constitutes only a trespass against the landowner.
This is a civil and not a criminal matter, i.e. neither the police nor a PCSO can take enforcement action. Instead, an aggrieved landowner can either ask someone cycling on a footpath over their land to leave, or they can seek a court injunction and/or damages against them.

By-laws and Traffic Regulation Orders2(TROs):
The exception to the above is where the relevant authority has passed a by-law or TRO, made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, prohibiting or restricting cycling on a particular footpath. By-laws and TROs have the force of law and non-observance may be penalised by a fine.

theres none near me as far as I can see looking at maps on the internet strangely. apart from one stretch of the river but it's marked with signs for a national cycling route anyway
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as long as you are being respectful to other and not bombing along at 20mph with a bunch of other riders

Yeah right. We all know that doesn't happen.

What is it with all the lockdown cyclists and pavements anyhow? Have they not figured that you're supposed to ride in the road? The amount of times I've had to jump out of the way of cyclists who'll simply mow you down if you don't get out of their way while cycling down the middle of the pavement.
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