sat nav phone which one?

9 Feb 2003

I have been meaning to get sat nav for sometime now, but cant get round the idea of carring a pda and mobile at the same time.

I was wondering which phone is the best for sat nav, i have the Nokia 6230 at the mo. And I quite like the nokia setup.

I also need to be pay as you go. As contract phones do not suit my call usage :D

triggerthat said:
How about getting a single tomtom unit? I've got the tomtom ONE and I highly recommend them. :)
I'd go with that idea, tbh. Smartphones on PAYG are going to be expensive. And the nokia ones are fairly large/bulky. You'd also need to buy the TomTom Software and GPS receiver on top of that.
I have it on an N70 and it works a treat, just make sure you get the right GPS receiver, the BT-77 ones have connection issues.
get a 6630 great little phone ideal for tomtom/sat nav can be had for £60 on ebay and would do the job fine, bargin. Might be able to find on for sale with gps finder phone and software if you lucky for no more than £100. Now that cheap satnav!

Also to above poster, 6630 is a good little symbian phone that is neither big or slow, so I good for both being a phone and satnav.
LeoWyatt said:
I have it on an N70 and it works a treat, just make sure you get the right GPS receiver, the BT-77 ones have connection issues.

Yep, good for gps but is a bit on the pricy side of thing, and tbh is not much better than the far cheaper 6630 or 3220.
Trying to find a 6630 on PAYG (or unlocked on Ebay) would probably be your best bet. They're decent phones and usually go for reasonable money.

You probably want to avoid the 3250, which should be available on PAYG soon, for now as it runs Symbian v9 and TomTom isn't compatible with v9 yet.
csmager said:
I'd go with that idea, tbh. Smartphones on PAYG are going to be expensive. And the nokia ones are fairly large/bulky. You'd also need to buy the TomTom Software and GPS receiver on top of that.

Excuse my naivety :p but why are they expensive, do they charge you to use sat nav?
bigG said:
Excuse my naivety :p but why are they expensive, do they charge you to use sat nav?
No no, I was just saying that smartphones are more expensive than your average phone - and on PAYG you're not going to get the handset cost subsidised.
I just bought a nokia 6600 and a generic bluetooth gps reciever off the bay for under 90 squids (in seperate auctions).
Tomtom mobile 5 software can be had rather cheap if you look around.

Previously i've had the first gen of tomtom go and tomtom navigator on a pda. But this suits my needs more really, as i wont be using it too often and it's less carp to carry around. Just charge the gps reciever and leave it in the car. Simple (wouldnt really like to leave a 'go' unit in the car).

I havent run it on my 6600 yet, but seen and used it running on a friends. Ran quite well. Not as quick as the go or the pda for route finding and the map is a tad jerky when going round corners etc. But it's more than acceptable.
bigG said:
thanks for your help, i will vist a mobile shop in the morning and let you know what i come away with :D

If its a high street shop then dont pay any more than £90 for a 6630. Orange shop is good for them iirc.

Would be cheaper to go to an idependent or 2nd hand shop in this case.
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