satellite to aerial adapter?

10 Jan 2012
Hey I have a tx-p42st60b TV, it only has a aerial socket.
Is it possible to connect a satellite cable to the aerial socket (via an adapter) to get a freeview signal?

Plenty of cables online available, but not sure if they actually work.
But we have a TV connected via the satellite downstairs (normal connection on back of TV) and it says its Freeview when on the TV guide screen. doesn't mention freesat.
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The dish we have was used for the Sky box downstairs. We cancelled Sky awhile ago. Its just a normal satellite that Sky put there years back.

Both the other TV's in the house have a satalitte connection on the back of the TV and are connected via that and both of them say its Freeview on the tv guide's (icon in top right when on tv guide), nothing to do with Freesat is showing up.
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So how come the other two TV's show its Freeview that is coming through the satellite cable? Both of them have the Freeview icon in the Tv Guide screen.
What happens if you disconnect the satellite cable (BTW does it unscrew).

Yes its the screw kind.
I don't know what you mean by if I disconnect, the only signal going in, is from the satellite, If I disconnect them, no signal.
Just its showing as Freeview on both of the TVs. Doesn't say freesat anywhere.
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