Saturday's conundrum...

13 Jan 2004
Market Deeping
Right, here's one for you.

Several years ago I built a Northwood P4-based rig that I used as my primary cruncher that had the following spec:

Abit BH7
P4 2.4GHz 533 non-HT

However, when I first built it I wanted to stick a hyperthreaded 3GHz chip in it and would have done so had it not have been for the cost being prohibitive, so as always I had to compromise.

I retired it from crunching a while back owing to its increasing impotence when compared to newer systems. Just recently though I thought I'd get it running part-time and so threw Milkyway at it to see how it fared. The results? Approximately 5 and a half hours per WU with the optimised app.

Now, out of curiosity I had a look online to see if there were any of those 3GHz chips floating about, and to my surprise found a few. So I bought one and swapped it with the existing 2.4GHz chip, made sure hyperthreading was enabled and threw Milkyway at it to see how it fared. The results? Approximately 14 and a half hours to do two WUs with the optimised app…

That to me doesn't seem right at all as it's taking about three hours longer to do the same number of WUs as the 2.4GHz chip despite the fact that it's 20% faster clock-for-clock. I've run benchmarks on it that show it's faster in every department. I don't think it's throttling back as I've had a look at CPUz whilst it was running flat out and it reported the correct clock speed, and everything else in that system is 100% stable.

Is this normal, is it possible I've just got a ropey chip or is there something I've overlooked?
If memory recalls correctly, there was only a 5-10% increase in output with HT on with the old P4. I believe they also introduced thermal monitoring with the Prescott core as it was very hot. It could be the chip is getting too hot and throttling its performance.
Hmm. Have turned off HT and it's doing one MW WU in less than five hours so I know it's not an issue with the CPU per se... It's a shame HT doesn't seem to be any good on it, but any upgrade's a good upgrade I suppose :p
I'd go for cache contention. I bet running two units at once is overwhelming the chip's on-board cache, forcing important WU data out of the cache and making the chip less efficient running two units than one.
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