Saving MSN smileys

2 Oct 2004
N.W London
How do you save your MSN smileys?

I know how to steal em but in the event of backing them up, where are they located?

Just cant find them in all the usual places....

Thanks in advance
I think they're held within the MSN files themselves. I notice whenever MSN release a new version custom smileys die too lol.

If you have more than one computer you could send all your smileys to one's messenger, update the other, then send all the smileys back and update.

There might be software to backup smileys, but I dont know of any.

I am beginning to go that way....using a small freeware prog to back them up....

I would have thought they *** be hiding in a folder somewhere tho?
They might be in a folder, but i am 99% certain theyre in the MSN file itself.

Not been that bothered about smileys so I haven't really given it much investigation lol

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